Top management experiences difficultly in accurately measuring the performance of each department within the organizations. Traditional top-down performance evaluation is prone to favoritism or tendency to give a higher score. While Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is an objective method to measure employee / department performance, it has limitation in measuring subjective components, such as responsiveness, service level, attentiveness, etc.
Kuryotech team believes that cross-department evaluation can reduce the bias in subjective performance evaluation. Each department can evaluate the service received from other departments and provide feedbacks. The evaluating departments input the score based on some predetermined criteria. The performance evaluation systems will compile and process the score from the evaluators and present the result to the evaluated department.
Cross-department and multiple evaluator systems reduce score subjectivity. The systems created feedback loop for departments to continuously improve their performance. Finally, the score can be used as data for KPI Balance Scorecard and Reward Systems.
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